Friday, May 14, 2010

Swap of the Day

This is what happens when I only get 2 hours sleep? I need to sleep less! I think, IMHO, this is my best card ever! Riding Hood Red and Soft Suede.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bethie's Crafty Bungalow

The Wall on the west side of the room. 12 inch drawer units from Walmart. My paper racks with the awesome cozie made by Larissa to keep the mean sun from fading my paper. And the foam core ink holder made by Kimberlee for 2 dollars!

Drapery wire from IKEA holding dwarves and cards. Metal and magnet strips to hold more cards. Peg board from Walmart and Jet Max cubes that it took 2 years to accumulate about one a month.

Cozie Closed Cozie Open

Foam Core Ink holder. I have the web site for directions if anyone wants to make one.

TOTALLY AWESOME Stamp Set holder to display all the stamp sets made by Kimberlee for a quarter of the price of the plastic ones from IKEA.

Clean work area. Home to Cricut (insert ooo and aah and fanfare music). Spinning ink rack that I did NOT have to spend 150 on thanks to Craigslist. And Kimberlee, my little MacGyver, drilled a hole in the desk hutch to hold a rod for the punches.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May Cards

Welcoming Committee Card- I used the Vintage Vogue set and Rich Razzleberry and Soft Suede Card Stock. I cut out the flowers and then punched circles in the opposite colors for the Build-a-brads. I love those things!
First RAK (Random Act of Kindness) Challenge was to send a card to someone in the group that shares your birth month. This was my first attempt at the faux weave technique. I used the Vintage Vogue set again with Rich Razzleberry and Crushed Curry. The DSP is also Crushed Curry. I will be sad to see that one go.