Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Album for my Floopie

I have decided to try to get an album together for my floopie (aka grandson with no name because his parents are annoying). I am going to make it so they can just add the info and pictures once they have some. So if you see any cool ribbon or paper let me know. I am also looking for a neat album. Maybe a football or just blue. One with a picture spot would be perfect.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have this kind of cool sewing machine that they were selling at Target. It is by Shark and it does some embroidery. I have been looking and NOTHING says Marmee. Only grandma. So if I want stuff to say my Marmee loves me I am going to have to stitch it myself. Currently, my machine is dead. I have no idea what is wrong with it. I am going to have to find some place to fix it. Kimmie told me it was not working a year ago. Since I never use it I did not care but now MARMEE NEEDS IT! I guess I am off to find the phone book. Though maybe, just maybe all those years of living with a professional seamstress will have paid off and I can figure it out myself...? And if I do, should I tell her I was really listening all those years shetried to teach me? NAHHH! :-)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Plate Princesses

Amanda's plate

Paula's Plate

Anna's Plate

Nicki's Plate

Amanda's Plate from February

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I am in love.....UPDATED

WITH CRICUT. My dearest love treated me to a new cartridge this week. DOODLECHARMS! It has so many cute things. I decided to stick with the tag for every month thing. Some I like, some I LOVE. The camera (and my inabillity to use it properly I assume) do not do some of these justice. So far I have done 6 Jan- June. The ladybug in the jar is my favorite. Let me know if you want to see that one close up and I will make you one.

January He is all cardstock except his buttons are black brads I gave him rosy cheeks with some chalk

February is a small valentine with an embossed heart.

March: St. Patricks Day I am not happy with this one but the ribbon and the hat brad are cute. I may dig out the other cartridge and do either a small leprechaun or a shamrock. UPDATE: I told you I was crazy

April Easter Bunny I pinked him up with chalk also and gave him foam dot eyes.

May Flower Cardstock popped up with dots


It is a two peice ladybug in a vellum jar with a silver embossed lid. Like I said the camera and I have not been getting along for months. Or at least not on these close up things. But she is so cool IMHO.

More tomorrow. Or later tonight after game night.



August: Sandcastle
Those of you that know how insane I am know I would not have been happy with a plain flat sandcastle

Lack of real sand (though I did consider not finishing until next week when I have access to sand) made me have to improvise. I dusted it with brown chalk and then used the clear glaze that you would use to make the cracked glass effect. Then still looked sad so I added vellum waves that I dragged thru Sky Blue ink.

September - back to school though this means nothing to my unsocialized homeschoolers (actually seeing this means we can go to Walmart with fewer screamin kids there) It is what I always think of in Sept. I did vellum for the windows.

October. You can barely see it but Charlotte is sitting on a vellum web.

Novemeber: Turkey He had a slight mishap so I may redo him also.

December: I was going to do a Santa but the girls wanted a reindeer. He also has the foam eyes and a LARGE gem brad for a nose.

March seems so substandard now. March and November may get redone.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Plate Class for March

Well, I did not like most of the SU! stamp set and went with Cricut Paper Dolls. I like him. I always feel like he is missing something. I may get to a Spring center done this week too. We shall see. Also starting to plan the baby shower and a trip out of town so I might not get to it.
Ribbon was from Walmart. I used SU papers and ink and gold powder. Green Galore, Gable Green, Certainly Celery paper. Gable green ink and Lindsey embossed it with clear.
I should be getting my Doodlecharms cartridge for Cricut this week. Expect to see tags for all seasons and possible get them as a gift. Act surprised!