Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bethie's Crafty Bungalow

The Wall on the west side of the room. 12 inch drawer units from Walmart. My paper racks with the awesome cozie made by Larissa to keep the mean sun from fading my paper. And the foam core ink holder made by Kimberlee for 2 dollars!

Drapery wire from IKEA holding dwarves and cards. Metal and magnet strips to hold more cards. Peg board from Walmart and Jet Max cubes that it took 2 years to accumulate about one a month.

Cozie Closed Cozie Open

Foam Core Ink holder. I have the web site for directions if anyone wants to make one.

TOTALLY AWESOME Stamp Set holder to display all the stamp sets made by Kimberlee for a quarter of the price of the plastic ones from IKEA.

Clean work area. Home to Cricut (insert ooo and aah and fanfare music). Spinning ink rack that I did NOT have to spend 150 on thanks to Craigslist. And Kimberlee, my little MacGyver, drilled a hole in the desk hutch to hold a rod for the punches.



France Ringuette said...

You have a lovely room, lots of space and storage.

I know the feeling, mine is always a mess...

Thanks for sharing your ideas

Louchia said...

Lovely room that is! really like all the storage ideas, I would like to get the ink pad storage instructions (louchia31 @ without the spaces)


Debra said...

Such great storage ideas that you've used without them costing a lot. I would like the instructions for the ink pad storage.

Unknown said...

I am LOVING the idea of showing the stamp sets like that!! I think I have to incorporate an "inspiration shelf" into my (currently Non-existant) storage solution... Such a great idea!
thanks for sharing, Happy Crafting!!

twcooke said...

Can you send me the website for making the foam core ink holder?

Beth said...

Scrappinbethie said...