Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have this kind of cool sewing machine that they were selling at Target. It is by Shark and it does some embroidery. I have been looking and NOTHING says Marmee. Only grandma. So if I want stuff to say my Marmee loves me I am going to have to stitch it myself. Currently, my machine is dead. I have no idea what is wrong with it. I am going to have to find some place to fix it. Kimmie told me it was not working a year ago. Since I never use it I did not care but now MARMEE NEEDS IT! I guess I am off to find the phone book. Though maybe, just maybe all those years of living with a professional seamstress will have paid off and I can figure it out myself...? And if I do, should I tell her I was really listening all those years shetried to teach me? NAHHH! :-)


Larissa Holland said...

oooh...good luck on the fixing the sewing machine thing. I have no clue when it comes to the inner workings. Maybe yours just needs a good cleanin'. I keep waiting for mine to seize up. I've never oiled it or cleaned it.
Marmee. That's cute!

The Apron Diva said...

I am so jealous of your machine!!!!!!!! I want one!!!!

Unknown said...

good luck! can't wait to see what Marmee sews for the new little one...