Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Learning to Brayer!

So if everyone did not know already, I have the most awesome husband in the whole wide world. After a year of whining that this class was too far or too expensive, he told me to shut up and go! So I did and he even drove me downtown while he was on call. On call basically means chained to his laptop for 48 hours. Below are the projects we made in class. The instructor is Michelle Zindorf. She is like the Yoda of brayering. She does classes one weekend a month all over the country and some are full a year in advance! I am taking her advanced class in September 2011 with my BFF! First try. First I learned I am doing it all wrong at home. Going in the wrong direction, starting on paper instead of off, even adding ink to brayer wrong. The swirls are winds--never thought of that! Bought that set when I got home! Colors are Basic Black, Tempting Turquoise, Night of Navy and Old Olive. SU! paper to match and Photo Corner punch Second try! Learned to mask a moon and make a sunset! Colors:Basic Black, Rich Razzleberry and Melon Mambo. Never thought to use those together! My Melon Mambo was not even open... Except for the moon I love the card and going to try oranges next time

Third and favorite card! I love my cliff! Moon has a line but it looks good. Colors: Basic Black, Old Olive, Always Artichoke, Tempting Turquoise and Pacific Point.


Larissa Holland said...

Well aren't you clever. I remember brayers from screen printing in college. Looks like you are having fun.

Patrice Herrera said...

Isn't Michelle fun. And her class was so informative. I too liked your cliff card, It is a really nice job. PS Thanks for stopping by my blog.